Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Some Quick Tips on Acne

There are now so many acne treatments that it might be difficult to choose one that really works. Here are some tips to help you get rid of your acne

Do not squeeze or touch any pimple. This will only irritate your skin and make the pimples appear brighter. Also you can cause the bacteria to spread to other places on your face thus causing more pimples. Furthermore you can introduce new bacteria into what is becoming an open wound, and this way you may have a severe scar

Place an ice pack on the pimple for a few minutes and repeat this every half hour. Use an ice cube, but wrap it in a piece of cloth to prevent the skin surrounding the affected area from being burned. The ice will help reduce the swelling and pain.

Always have with you a tube of cream or ointment that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid and apply them on pimples. This may be used in emergency condition. Try to avoid using these products in extensive areas because they are very drying.

Wash your face at least three times a day without using harsh chemicals or fragrance. Rub the skin gently without using anything harder than a bath towel to clean your face. It is advised to pat dry your face instead of using a towel vigorously.

You will notice very shortly after starting the use of a good cream that you will get some good results, but this does not mean that you have completed your treatment against acne. It is important that you keep following your treatment to make sure that your face does not become oily and thus become a breeding place for the bacteria.

In some cases the acne may be so severe that you will need to look for the help of a dermatologist. In this case the doctor may choose to offer you some pills that will help control the acne. Never ever do this on your own as there are medical risks involved.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading this article and you have learned something to help you take control of your acne.

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